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Astrology Chart Services

Discover Your Cosmic Blueprint

Astrologer Writing Natal Chart

Birth Chart

What You Get

A beautifully designed & complete Natal (a.k.a. Birth) Astrological chart with interpretations to help you navigate the stars and truly KNOW the energy of you!

Finally know why all of your friends think you're sometimes weird!

*** Please Note: Your exact time of birth is required for this service.

What's Included...

  • A walk-through video for your reference.

  • A printable interpretation of your Birth Chart.

  • What Phase of the moon you were born under with interpretation.

  • The overall energy of your chart and what that means.

  • Your Personal Tarot Card

  • Your most productive days

  • What career your soul is longing for.

  • PLUS... complete interpretations for major chart points in easy-to-understand language!

To see a sample chart, click the button below.

Business Astrology Chart $147

What's You Get

A beautifully designed & complete Business Astrological chart with interpretations to help you navigate the stars and truly KNOW the energy of your Business!

YES! Your Business has a chart and energy all it's own!

***Please Note: Your exact birth time is required for this service.

Zodiac Chart

What's Included...

  • The best and most aligned products & offerings for your business.

  • Your Business's Sacred Message

  • The Main Purpose of your Business

  • Core Values and foundations

  • Who your soul clients are & how to easily attract them.

  • The main energy of your business & how to easily work with it for your benefit.

  • Money Signature-how well your business can attract money.

  • A walkthrough video for future reference.

  • PLUS so much more!

Click Below to see a sample Business Astrology Chart

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